Frequent Questions
What should I bring to a swingers party?
What should I Bring?
Lots of people attending swingers parties have a "Party Kit". It contains things they may need at the party based on their experience of previous events.
Bring some condoms if you are not happy using Durex. We have condoms in every room for your use at the party.
Keep it simple, only bring what you need, in the hundreds of parties we have hosted we have only had problems with light fingered guests a couple of times, they always stole from us not the other guests, but we suggest leaving valuables at home or your hotel and bring only the minimum of cash.
When you arrive grab a locker key and place all your valuables such as Car keys, Phones, Wallets etc. in it. The locker key is on an elasticated wrist band so it will not get in the way of your fun.
You do not need to bring food or drinks (unless you drink something not on our drinks list.)
When we visit swingers clubs or parties we carry a small makeup bag containing:
- Condoms.
- Lubricant.
- Viagra in case a guy runs into problems.
- Breath Mints.
- Tissues.
- Wipes.
- Pain Killers.
- Party Donation/Entry Fee.
- Ciggies and Lighter (Jo Smokes).
- We have met people who also carry vibrators, double ended dildos and other sex toys.
It is probably a good idea to have the following in the car:
- If you have a long journey to get to the event bring your party clothes and change when you get here.
- Warm clothes and blankets for the trip back to your home/hotel.
- A torch if you are staying locally and walking. This part of NB is very dark, with no street lighting.