Frequent Questions
What Is The Difference Between our House Parties and a Swingers Club?
We choose who comes to our parties
As a Private House Party we have more control over who can attend our events than a club does.
We do not have to charge a membership fee, as there are no members, just guests.
We do not charge an entry fee, we ask for a donation towards the cost of running the events, and the maintenance of the facilities.
House parties are more friendly, relaxed and informal than a club.
In New Brunswick clubs are not allowed to serve alcohol when there are naked people in the premises.
We do not need a liquor license as we do not sell or serve alcohol. We have a free, self service bar. All the drinks are donated by party sponsors.
No-one is Employed To Have Sex With You Or Serve You
You are attending a house party, not a swingers club.
- Jo and David are the Party hosts and home owners.
- Tanya and Paul, Sasha and Steve, Baby Bar Bitch are friends and helpers, they are not employees.
- If you treat any of us badly or treat us like staff you will not get another invitation.
- Be demanding and we will demand you leave!
- The bar is self service - the people behind it are there for THEIR fun, do not expect to be served, if they are busy, shift your arse and help out.
- If there is a problem let one of us know and we will attempt to resolve it.
- We are usually pretty busy, so we can only have short conversations, do not expect us to sit and listen to your life story.
- If you have an issue with another guest - talk to them and resolve it, you are all adults.
- If you cannot resolve your differences, avoid each other for the remainder of the party.
- We do not get involved in domestic disputes. Leave your issues at the door on the way in.
- Keep to your agreed boundaries at the event and discuss changes between events.
- If someone is being verbally abusive let us know, we will send them on their way.
- We all love to play, but choose your moment to ask us. If we are busy give us a while to finish what we are doing.
- Make sure we have the same interests as you before asking any of us to play.
- If we are sitting in a corner alone with a drink, we are likely just taking a 5 minute break, wait until we come back to the party to come and talk to us.