Upcoming Parties
Survey Results
Survey 3
Additional Daytime Party
We have had lots of people ask if we have events any other days except Saturday.
We ran a poll asking what day people would like to have another party on.
The result was very clear with 56% of the vote being for a Sunday afternoon party.
In response to this result we have planned a Swingers BBQ party for Sunday 7th August.
If the 48 people who voted for Sunday afternoon would turn up it should be one helluva party, we need at least 20 people to make the party viable.
Survey 2
In June 2022 we ran a survey asking what kind of parties, other than swingers events, people would be interested in attending.
There was not a clear winner between BDSM and Fetish parties, the largest group of people seemed to be interested in just swingers events.
167 people responded to the survey.

Survey 1
Throughout the month of September 2021 we ran a survey to find out what potential guests wanted from our parties.
These images show the final results of the party survey as at 10:46pm October 1st.
68 people responded to the survey